Why I Love Mongolia: The Land

I’ve been back a week now. Something special happened on this, my fourth trip. A lot of things came together for me and I was able to experience Mongolia and connect in ways that I hadn’t on previous trips, even though something kept driving me to return.

Some of it was simply gaining a familiarity that made this trip by turns exhilarating, relaxing and just plain fun, instead of low-level stressful. A lot of it was the two people I traveled with, Khatnaa, my guide for the first nine days, and Gana,with whom I traveled to Ikh Nart, who answered my questions with consideration and honesty, and helped me start to understand what it is to be a Mongol. But, mostly, I felt like the land itself let me in and then offered up treasure after treasure.

I’ll share some of those treasures over the next few posts. Today, it will be images of where Mongolia really starts – the land.

I love and grew up in forests, but traveling across the steppe is one of the things I most misss already.
I love and grew up in forests, but traveling across the steppe on the earth roads is one of the things I most miss already.
Small lake with demoiselle cranes
Small lake with demoiselle cranes in lower left
Tahilgat Hairhan
Tahilgat Hairhan
Lightning storm, Arburd Sands ger camp
Lightning storm, Arburd Sands ger camp
Kherlen Gul valley, Gun-Galuut
Kherlen Gul valley, morning light, Gun-Galuut Nature Reserve
Kherlen Gul and east slope of Baits Uul, morning light, Gun-Galuut Nature Reserve
Kherlen Gul and east slope of Baits Uul, morning light, Gun-Galuut Nature Reserve
Kherlen Gul valley, summer day, Gun-Galuut Nature Reserve
Kherlen Gul valley, summer day, Gun-Galuut Nature Reserve
Rainbow over ger, Baga Gazriin Chuluu Nature Reserve
Rainbow over ger, Baga Gazriin Chuluu Nature Reserve
Storm light, Baga Gazriin Chuluu Nature Reserve
Storm light, Baga Gazriin Chuluu Nature Reserve
Horse and rider, early evening, Baga Gazriin Chuluu Nature Reserve
Horse and rider, early evening, Baga Gazriin Chuluu Nature Reserve
Aspens amid the rocks, early evening, Baga Gazriin Chuluu Nature Reserve
Aspens amid the rocks, early evening, Baga Gazriin Chuluu Nature Reserve
Oncoming storm, Red Rocks ger camp, Ikh Nartiin Chuluu Nature Reserve
Oncoming storm, Red Rocks ger camp, Ikh Nartiin Chuluu Nature Reserve
Rock formation, Ikh Nartiin Chuluu Nature Reserve
Rock formation, Ikh Nartiin Chuluu Nature Reserve
Moonrise, Ikh Nartiin Chuluu Nature Reserve
Moonrise, Ikh Nartiin Chuluu Nature Reserve

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2 thoughts on “Why I Love Mongolia: The Land

  1. It reminds me of out west….i.e. the badlands of Dakota, or Wyoming or eastern Montana….I too love trees and mountains yet the startk beauty of these areas does capture the soul…perhaps it is because it IS so different?


  2. There’s such beauty in the starkness of landscapes like this, something too few people really appreciate. Awesome photos.


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